Stelios K. Georgantzinos
Journal Articles
- S.K. Georgantzinos, N.K. Anifantis, An insight
into breathing mechanism of a crack in a rotating shaft, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 318, 279-295, 2008. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, N.K.
Anifantis, An efficient
numerical model for vibration analysis of single-walled carbon nanotubes, Computational Mechanics, 43, 731-741, 2009. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, N.K. Anifantis, Vibration
analysis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes using a spring-mass based finite
element model, Computational Materials
Science, 47, 168-177, 2009. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, N.K.
Anifantis, Investigation of
stress-strain behavior of single walled carbon nanotube/rubber composites by a
multi-scale finite element method, Theoretical and Applied
Fracture Mechanics, 52(3),
158-164, 2009. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, N.K. Anifantis, Carbon
nanotube based resonant mechanical sensors: A computational investigation of
their behaviour, Physica E:
Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 42(5), 1795-1801, 2010. PDF
- G.I. Giannopoulos, S.K. Georgantzinos,
D.E. Katsareas, N.K. Anifantis, Numerical prediction of mechanical behavior of
carbon nanotube composites incorporating nanostructural and interfacial
effects, Computer Modeling in Engineering
and Science, 56 231-247, 2010. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, N.K.
Anifantis, Effective Young's modulus of carbon nanotube composites: From
multi-scale finite element predictions to an analytical rule, Journal of Computational and Theoretical
Nanoscience, 7(8), 1436-1442, 2010. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, N.K. Anifantis, Numerical investigation of elastic mechanical properties of graphene structures, Materials and Design, 31(10) 4646-4654, 2010. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, D.E. Katsareas, P.A Kakavas, N.K. Anifantis, Finite element simulation and characterization of nanostructured textiles, World Journal of Engineering, 7(2), 256-258, 2010. PDF
- S.K.
Georgantzinos, G.I.
Giannopoulos, D.E. Katsareas, P.A
Kakavas, N.K. Anifantis, Finite element modeling of an interweaved
carbon nanotube structure, World Journal
of Engineering,
7(2), 259-265, 2010. PDF
- G.I. Giannopoulos, S.K. Georgantzinos, N.K. Anifantis, A semi-continuum finite element
approach to evaluate the Young's modulus of single walled carbon nanotube-based
composites, Composites Part
B:Engineering, 41(8),
594-601, 2010. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, N.K.
Anifantis, On the coupling of axial and shear deformations of single-walled
carbon nanotubes and graphene: a numerical study, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part N: Journal
of Nanoengineering and Nanosystems, 224(4), 163-172, 2010. PDF
- S.K.
Georgantzinos, G.I.
Giannopoulos, D.E. Katsareas, P.A
Kakavas, N.K. Anifantis, Size-dependent nonlinear mechanical properties of
graphene nanoribbons, Computational Materials Science, 50(7)
2057-2062, 2011. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, D.E. Katsareas, N.K.
Anifantis, Graphene characterization: A fully nonlinear spring based finite
element prediction, Physica E:
Low-dimensional Systems and Nanostructures, 43(10), 1833-1839, 2011. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, D.E. Katsareas, N.K.
Anifantis, Limit load analysis of graphene with pinhole defects: A nonlinear
structural mechanics approach, International
Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 55(1) 85-94, 2012. PDF
- A.S. Tsiamaki, S.K.
Georgantzinos, N.K. Anifantis, Vibrations of circular graphene mono-layer
as mass sensor, SL: Structural Longevity
8(1), 15-21, 2012. PDF
- G.I. Giannopoulos, A.P.
Tsiros, S.K. Georgantzinos, Prediction of elastic mechanical behavior
and stability of single-walled carbon nanotubes using bar elements, Mechanics of Advanced Materials and
Structures, 20(9), 730-741, 2013. PDF
- G.I. Giannopoulos, S.K.
Georgantzinos, P.A. Kakavas, N.K. Anifantis, Radial stiffness and natural
frequencies of fullerenes via a structural mechanics spring based method, Fullerenes, Nanotubes and Carbon
Nanostructures, 21(3), 248-257, 2013. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, N.K.
Anifantis, Mechanical vibrations of carbon nanotube based mass sensors: An
analytical approach, Sensor Review,
34(3), 319-326, 2014. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, N.K.
Anifantis, The effect of atom vacancy defect on the vibrational behavior of
single-walled carbon nanotubes: A structural mechanics approach, Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 2014, 291645, 2014. PDF
- K.N. Spanos, S.K.
Georgantzinos, N.K. Anifantis, Investigation of stress transfer in carbon
nanotube reinforced composites using a multi-scale finite element approach, Composites Part B: Engineering, 63, 85-93, 2014. PDF
- A.S. Tsiamaki, S.K.
Georgantzinos, N.K. Anifantis, Monolayer graphene resonators for mass
detection: A structural mechanics feasibility study, Sensors and Actuators: A Physical, 217, 29-38, 2014. PDF
- G.I. Giannopoulos, S.K.
Georgantzinos, N.K. Anifantis, Coupled vibration response of a shaft with a
breathing crack, Journal of Sound and
Vibration, 336, 191-206, 2015. PDF
- S.K.Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, P.K.
Pierou, N.K. Anifantis, Numerical stability analysis of imperfect single-walled
carbon nanotubes under axial compressive loads, International Journal of Structural Integrity, 6(4), 1-17, 2015. PDF
- K.N. Spanos, S.K.
Georgantzinos, N.K. Anifantis, Mechanical properties of graphene
nanocomposites: A multiscale finite element prediction, Composite Structures, 132, 536-544, 2015. PDF
- G.I. Giannopoulos, S.K.
Georgantzinos, Mechanical Characterization of Boron-Nitride Nanoribbons via
Nonlinear Structural Mechanics, Journal
of Nano Research, 40, 58-71, 2016. PDF
- G.I. Giannopoulos, D.-P.N
Kontoni, S.K. Georgantzinos, Efficient FEM simulation of static and free
vibration behavior of single walled boron nitride nanotubes, Superlattices and Microstructures, 96, 111-120, 2016. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, A. Fatsis, N.V. Vlachakis, Analytical
expressions for electrostatics of graphene structures, Physica E, 84, 27-36, 2016. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, N.K.
Anifantis, Coupled thermomechanical behavior of graphene using the spring-based
finite element approach, Journal of
Applied Physics, 120, 014305, 2016. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, S. Markolefas, G.I.
Giannopoulos, D.E Katsareas, N.K. Anifantis, Designing pinhole vacancies in
graphene towards functionalization: Effects on critical buckling load, Superlattices
and Microstrures, 103, 343-357, 2017. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, N.K.
Anifantis, Thermoelastic Analysis of Graphene-Based Nanomaterials, Journal of Computations & Modelling,
7(1), 1-14, 2017. PDF
- G.I. Giannopoulos, S.K. Georgantzinos, Establishing detection
maps for carbon nanotube mass sensors: Molecular versus continuum mechanics, Acta
Mechanica, 228(6), 2377-2390, 2017. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, I. Giannikos, A modeling framework for incorporating
DEA efficiency into set covering, packing and partitioning formulations, International Transactions in Operational
Research, DOI:10.1111/itor.12409, 2017. PDF
- S.K.
Georgantzinos, A new finite
element for an efficient mechanical analysis of graphene structures using
CAD/CAE techniques, Journal of Computational and
Theoretical Nanoscience, 14,
5347-5354, 2017. PDF
- G.I. Giannopoulos, S.K. Georgantzinos, Tensile behavior of
gallium nitride monolayer via nonlinear molecular mechanics, European
Journal of Mechanics A/Solids, 65, 223-232, 2017. PDF
- A.S. Tsiamaki, S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos,
N.K. Anifantis, Prediction of the mechanical energy storage of single walled
carbon nanotubes using an atomistic modeling method, Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, 14, 5606-5616, 2017. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos,
Thermomechanical buckling of single walled carbon nanotubes by a structural
mechanics method, Diamond and Related
Materials, 80, 27-37, 2017. PDF
- S.K. Georgantzinos, A CAD/CAE Approach for an Efficient Analysis of Contact Mechanics in Rolling Bearings, Journal of Applied Mathematics & Bioinformatics, 8(2), 65-82, 2018. PDF
- G.I. Giannopoulos, S.K. Georgantzinos, A.S. Tsiamaki,
N.K. Anifantis,
Multiscale simulation of fullerene reinforced composite structures: From molecular dynamics to finite element continuum mechanics, MATEC Web of Conferences 188, 01013, 2018. PDF
- K.P. Stamoulis, S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos,
A model of low-velocity impact damage assessment of laminated composite structures, MATEC Web of Conferences 188, 01012, 2018. PDF
- G.I. Giannopoulos, S.K. Georgantzinos, A.S. Tsiamaki, N.K. Anifantis, Combining FEM and MD to simulate C60/PA-12 nanocomposites, International Journal of Structural Integrity, 10 (3), 380-392,
2019. PDF
- K.P. Stamoulis, S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, Damage Characteristics in Laminated Composite Structures Subjected to Low-Velocity Impact, International Journal of Structural Integrity, (accepted) 2019. PDF
S.K. Georgantzinos, The role of multi-scale finite element methods in analysis and design of advanced mechanical and aerospace structures, International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development, , 9(4), 805-808, 2019. PDF
S. Markolefas, T.K. Papathanasiou, S.K. Georgantzinos, p-Extension of C0 Continuous Mixed Finite Elements for Plane Strain Gradient Elasticity, Archives of Mechanics, 71 (6), 567-593, 2019. PDF
S.K. Georgantzinos, K. Kariotis, G.I. Giannopoulos, N.K. Anifantis, Mechanical properties of hexagonal boron nitride monolayers: Finite element and analytical predictions, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 234 (20), 4126-4135 2020. PDF
S.K. Georgantzinos, S.I. Markolefas, S.A. Mavrommatis, K.P. Stamoulis, Finite element modelling of carbon fiber-carbon nanostructure-polymer hybrid composite structures, MATEC Web of Conferences. EDP Sciences, 02004 2020. PDF
G.I. Giannopoulos, S.K. Georgantzinos, N.K. Anifantis, Thermomechanical Response of Fullerene-Reinforced Polymers by Coupling MD and FEM. Materials 13, 4132 2020. PDF
S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, N.K. Anifantis, Vibration Analysis of Carbon Fiber-Graphene-Reinforced Hybrid Polymer Composites Using Finite Element Techniques. Materials 13, 4225 2020. PDF
S.K. Georgantzinos, K.P. Stamoulis, S.I. Markolefas, Mechanical Response of Hybrid Laminated Polymer Nanocomposite Structures: A Multilevel Numerical Analysis. SAE International Journal of Aerospace, 13(2), 1-14, 2020.
S.K. Georgantzinos, S.G. Siampanis, Size-dependent elastic mechanical properties of γ-graphyne structures: A comprehensive finite element investigation. Materials & Design 202, 109524 2021. PDF
G.I. Giannopoulos, S.K. Georgantzinos, Thermomechanical Behavior of Bone-Shaped SWCNT/Polyethylene Nanocomposites via Molecular Dynamics. Materials, 14(9), 2192 2021. PDF
S.K. Georgantzinos, Editorial for the Special Issue on Characterization and Modelling of Composites. Journal of Composites Science, 5(2), 2021. PDF
S.K. Georgantzinos, G.I. Giannopoulos, P.A. Bakalis, Additive Manufacturing for Effective Smart Structures: The Idea of 6D Printing. Journal of Composites Science, 5(5), 119 2021. PDF
S.K. Georgantzinos, P.A. Antoniou, S.I. Markolefas, A Multi-Scale Method for Designing Hybrid Fiber-Reinforced Composite Drive Shafts with Carbon Nanotube Inclusions, Journal of Composites Science, 5(6), 157 2021. PDF
S.K. Georgantzinos, P.A. Antoniou, S.I. Markolefas, Design of laminated composite plates with carbon nanotube inclusions against buckling: Waviness and agglomeration effects, Nanomaterials, 11(9), 2261 2021. PDF
G.I. Giannopoulos, S.K. Georgantzinos, A Tunable Metamaterial Joint for Mechanical Shock Applications Inspired by Carbon Nanotubes. Applied Sciences, 11, 11139 2021. PDF
S.G. Siampanis, G.I. Giannopoulos, N.D. Lagaros, A. Hatziefremidis, S.K. Georgantzinos, Nonlinear Finite Element Analysis of γ-Graphyne Structures under Shearing. Molecules, 27(5), 1729 2022. PDF
S.K. Georgantzinos, S.G. Siampanis, A. Baldoukas, G.I. Giannopoulos, Designing the nonlinear mechanical response of graphyne structures: A finite element structural mechanics approach. Materials Today Communications, 31, 103386 2022. PDF
S.K. Georgantzinos, P.A. Antoniou, S.I. Markolefas, G.I. Giannopoulos, Finite element predictions on vibrations of laminated composite plates incorporating the random orientation, agglomeration, and waviness of carbon nanotubes, Acta Mechanica, 233(5), 2031, 2022.
N. Rogkas, C. Vakouftsis, V. Spitas, N.D. Lagaros, S.K. Georgantzinos, Design Aspects of Additive Manufacturing at Microscale: A Review, Micromachines, 13(5), 775, 2022.
S.K. Georgantzinos, Editorial for the Special Issue on Characterization and Modelling of Composites, Volume II. Journal of Composites Science, 6(9), 274, 2022.
S.K. Georgantzinos, Multiscale Simulation of Composite Structures: Damage Assessment, Mechanical Analysis and Prediction. Materials, 6(9), 274, 2022.
G.I. Giannopoulos, S.K. Georgantzinos, E. Ghavanloo, Exploring the energetics and structural properties of a new carbon allotrope family named α-fullerynes, Diamond and Related Materials, 129, 109375, 2022.
A.D. Tseni, P. Sotiropoulos, S.K. Georgantzinos, Optimization of quality, reliability, and warranty policies for micromachines under wear degradation, Micromachines, 13(11), 1899, 2022.
S.K. Georgantzinos, Editorial for the Special Issue on Micro/Nano Structures and Systems: Analysis, Design, Manufacturing, and Reliability. Micromachines, 14, 253, 2023.
S.K. Georgantzinos, P.A. Antoniou, C. Spitas, A multi-scale computational framework for the hygro-thermo-mechanical analysis of laminated composite structures with carbon nanotube inclusions, Results in Engineering, 17 100904 2023.
A.D. Tseni, S.K. Georgantzinos, C. Papadopoulos, I. Giannikos, Developing Quantitative Methods for Quality and Maintenance Management in Micro-Electromechanical Systems, International Journal of Advanced Research in Technology and Innovation, 3 1-7, 2023.
S.K. Georgantzinos, S.G. Siampanis, N. Rogkas, V. Spitas, The Effect of Hole Geometry on the Nonlinear Nanomechanics of γ-Graphyne Structures: A Finite Element Analysis. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 24(19), 14524, 2023.
S.K. Georgantzinos, Characterization and Modelling of Composites, Volume III. Journal of Composites Science, 7, 446, 2023.
S.K. Georgantzinos, S.I. Markolefas, A. Fatsis. Effects of rotation on the electrostatic properties of graphene in a semi-infinite space. Materials Today Communications, 38, 108280, 2024.
S.K. Georgantzinos, P.A. Antoniou, K.P. Stamoulis, C. Spitas. Buckling Prediction of MWCNT-reinforced Laminated Composite Structures under Hygro-Thermo-Mechanical Conditions. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2692, No. 1, p. 012040). IOP Publishing, 2024.
S.K. Georgantzinos, G. Kostopoulos, K.P. Stamoulis. Characterizing the shape-morphing behaviour of 4D printed PLA structures. In Journal of Physics: Conference Series (Vol. 2716, No. 1, p. 012034). IOP Publishing, 2024.
S.K. Georgantzinos, P.A. Antoniou, K.P. Stamoulis, C. Spitas. Influence of microstructural and environmental factors on the buckling performance of carbon nanotube-enhanced laminated composites: A multiscale analysis. Engineering Failure Analysis, 108055, 2024.
G. Kostopoulos, K. Stamoulis, V. Lappas, S.K. Georgantzinos. Shape Morphing of 4D-Printed Polylactic Acid Structures under Thermal Stimuli: An Experimental and Finite Element Analysis. Aerospace, 11(2), 134, 2024, 2024.
S.K. Georganzinos, E. Sakellariou, A. Tseni, I. Giannikos. Integrating DEA, balanced scorecard, and Lean Six Sigma in a total quality model for strategic planning and improving organisation performance: a case study. International Journal of Six Sigma and Competitive Advantage, 15(1), 33-56, 2024.
S. Markolefas, M. Guiggiani, S.K. Georgantzinos. A general nonlinear single-track model for curved flat or banked road paths: Identification of the vehicle handling DNA. International Journal of Non-Linear Mechanics, 104850, 2024.
S.K. Georgantzinos, A.D. Tseni, C. Papadopoulos, I. Giannikos. Integrated Optimization of Quality Control and Maintenance Policies for Light-Emitting Devices. International Journal of Reliability, Quality and Safety Engineering, 2024.